Why I Hate The Term ‘Superfoods’

Yeh, yeh, I know… HATE… may be a tad over the top, but please bear with me.

Google ‘Superfoods’ and see what’s on the list. Probably Blueberries, Kale, Salmon, Linseed, just to name a few. And then there’s the Superfood powders or capsules (don’t even get me started!!)

Seriously, how can we deem a dried and desiccated powder as a food? Let alone a superfood.

And then there are ALL the health claims these companies make…“These superfoods help gut disease, help you feel more energetic and can help you lose weight”

The term ‘SUPER-FOODS’ came about when certain foods were thought to have health benefits over and above common foods e.g. Higher amounts of Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants and Phytonutrients.

And here lays the issue I have with ‘super-foods’. Yes a ‘blueberry’ has amazing properties, I’m not debating that. But no more than a raspberry, strawberry or a simple apple. And why is it that we think MORE is better? That somehow we need to bombard our body with these ‘super-foods’ over every day foods?

The message is that if we dose ourselves with MORE; then it’s better.

MORE is NOT better.

Knowing how the body utilizes nutrients… and especially prebiotics and fibre (YOUR BIOME’s food source), dosing with MORE, is not necessarily better, and in fact MORE, in some instances, can actually yield negative results.

In fact… research is clear…

"Focusing on a single type of Prebiotic can actually cause a REDUCTION of bacteria species, and selectively promote the growth of certain types of bacteria which are DETRIMENTAL to health"

This is a one of the MISTAKES many individuals make when they ‘buy’ into the ‘gut health hype’ and FOCUS on one type of prebiotic thinking it will improve their health… but then see their health actually decline!...

“Supplementation with a single type of polysaccharides may cause dramatic changes in the intestinal microbiota, resulting in damage to the intestinal microecological balance”

And let’s face it, this obsession with MORE really hasn’t got us any healthier has it?

In fact, I believe, it has taken us away from just eating and enjoying everyday food. Something as simple as a SMOOTHIE packed with all your favourite flavours can provide the Protein, Fibre, Prebiotic fibre, Complex Carbs, Healthy Fats etc., that you need.

And if you think adding ‘Super-food powders’ (and paying big $$ for it) is better, then I am sorry but you’re wrong. These expensive ‘Super-food powders’ have very little fibre (the main building block for gut health) and the dehydrating process leaves them devoid of many nutrients.

You are much better adding something as simple as a handful of live sprouts (alfalfa, broccoli etc) which are not only cheap but full of live enzymes, fibre, protein, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.

I implore you… STOP taking those powders (in fact bin them!!) and start eating a wide range of Fruit, Vegetables, Beans, Legumes, Grains, Nuts and Seeds etc. Just real food.

Try this smoothie for starters…

Choc Berry Smoothie

Choc blue Smoothie


  • 1 cup Coconut water or Coconut Kefir

  • 2 tsp raw organic cacao powder

  • 1 unripe Banana frozen

  • ½ Avocado

  • 1 handful Broccoli or Alfalfa sprouts

  • 2 tbsp organic Hemp seeds


  • Peel avocado and remove pit and add to blender with all other ingredients, blitz until smooth.

  • Top with optional cacao nibs and goji berries.

  • Serve immediately.


I hope this helps… And… if you want to know more about how to IMPROVE your health significantly then click HERE to find out more about my Gut Health Programs … OR… if you want to eat your way back to health — one meal at a time — check out my Gut Health Recipe Compendium. Nat xx


All Things Poo