All Things Poo

Today I’m talking about Constipation.

Not pooping, All stopped up, Can’t go…

Whatever you want to call it, it isn’t a great feeling, right?


Gross hey? If you’ve ever had a child, or changed a nappy, you’ll know that looking at the colour, consistency and frequency of a child’s poo tells us so much about their health.

Well, guess what? It’s the same for adults – it tells you so much about your own health!

I hear you saying, “Just tell me what I have to do to relieve this constipation?? Here are some options…. Well firstly powders, pills and laxatives are not a solution to your problem!

In addition to being a Holistic Nutritionist and Naturopath, I am also a Western Medicine Herbalist. And when you take these powders – even if a collection of herbs – they powerful chemical constituents and with long term use can have some serious side effects such as…

  • An atonic (floppy) bowel due to nerve fibre damage I.e. your bowel loses its ability to work on its own

  • Affects the uptake of nutrients, causing nutrient deficiencies.

  • Over-stimulation of the gall bladder (the release of bile is what makes the herb a natural laxative)

  • Over-stimulation of gastric acid (avoid if suffering from acute stomach inflammation, digestive weakness or IBS).

  • Potassium depletion and dehydration – which then results in more constipation and more of a need for the herbal laxative!!


Use whole food as medicine – it is cheaper than a laxative and has other health benefits.

BUT remember you have to do these things on a daily basis. There is no magic pill. If you were trying to get your biceps looking good you’d lift weights regularly right? Not just once or a few times. Well, the same goes for the bowel. You HAVE to do these things to train it back into shape!!

  • INCREASE FIBRE INTAKE: Both soluble and insoluble Fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains.

  • HYDRATE: Water and fibre water creates bulk and the pressure off this against the intestinal walls stimulates natural peristalsis.

  • MOVE REGULARLY: Not just a once a day workout, but move regularly. Get up and move every 30 mins. A sedentary lifestyle results in slack abdominal muscles, as well as other muscles, which can contribute to an inability to move the bowels.

  • INCREASE FOOD INTAKE: Despite fibre and water intake, if you don’t eat enough food then the amount of food matter may be too low resulting in the intestines not being stimulated to move it through in a normal manner

NOTE: Chronic constipation should be investigated by a health professional and not be left untreated as Constipation has a number of causes…

  • Neurological disorders (MS, spinal lesions, Parkinson’s)

  • Depression (too little serotonin can cause constipation)

  • Gut microbiota imbalance Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) Ulcerative colitis, Diverticulitis

  • Eating disorders

  • Gallbladder obstruction

  • Medications and drugs (Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, the pill, anti-inflammatories)

  • Structural (haemorrhoids, fissures)

  • Stress

  • Environmental Factors

  • Low fibre diet

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Dehydration

I hope this helps… And… if you want to know more about how to IMPROVE your health significantly then click HERE to find out more about my Gut Health Programs … OR… if you want to eat your way back to health — one meal at a time — check out my Gut Health Recipe Compendium. Nat xx


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