DO YOU SUFFER FROM DARK CIRCLES OR PIGMENTATION? The causes for these are varied, however there are a number of ways you can improve these conditions, either with in-salon treatments and/or with natural at home solutions.

West Australian – Mind Body Section: Page 1 | Page 2


The skin under our eyes is the thinnest (0.5mm thick compared to approx. 2mm thick elsewhere on body), has few oil glands and has a matrix of tiny blood vessels that sit just under the surface of the skin. Light reflected back off of these vessels make them appear darkish grey/blue. Also blood, which is always pumping through these fine capillaries can sometimes leak into the surrounding areas making the area look darker. However before embarking on a treatment to rid dark circles it is important to look at what may be the cause. 


  1. A nutritionally rich diet which not only improves overall health but helps to improve your complexion.

  2. Use Plant based Organic skincare with not only reduces the toxic load on the liver but provides natural vitamins A, C & E that improve skin integrity - click the VOI button at the top (or bottom) of this page to view products.

  3. A Gut Health consult to ascertain the cause of the problem and then an individualised treatment plan focusing on food and lifestyle advice to eradicate the condition (if not genetic) and prevent its recurrence.

  4. Increase water intake. It is essential to keep our skin, hair and nails moisturized and helps the kidneys and liver break down toxins for elimination. Water intake can come from a variety of sources not just a glass of water. Broths, some herbal teas, vegetable juices, smoothies, fruit and vegetables also count towards water intake especially watery fruits and vegetables such as melons, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and cucumbers.

  5. Reduce, or eliminate, dehydrating foods and drinks such as alcohol, coffee, caffeinated drinks, canned and packaged foods, take-away foods, soy sauce, stock cubes, cured meats, sauces and salad dressings, which are high in sugar and salt and reduce the body’s water levels significantly.

  6. Apply any of the following to the eyes for 10-15 minutes – cucumber slices, cold metal spoons, potato slices, cooled peppermint tea bags. Basically they all have the same action of constricting blood vessels so that the area appears lighter. Not a long term solution, and won’t reverse the condition, but can help you look a little brighter!

  7. Natural mineral concealer can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Best to go to a make-up counter to get professional advice as to which colour is best for your skin tone.

  8. Sleep on a couple of pillows. Depending on the cause of your dark circles elevating your head can reduce the blood from pooling under your eyes.

  9. The easiest and cheapest, and if its day time (or you’re a movie start) a big pair of sunglasses will do the trick!


Pigmentation, or Hyperpigmentation, can appear on the face, neck or body. They are flat, dark patches that vary in colour (light to dark brown) and vary in shape and size. Pigmentation spots or patches are caused by an overproduction of melanin (what makes you tan) in certain areas of the skin. Note, that this is not the same as darkening moles or freckles which should be checked immediately by your GP. While general pigmentation is not a health concern, cosmetically it can make skin appear patchy and dull. Its causes are varied.


  1. As sunlight triggers the production of melanin, the best preventative measure is to minimise sun exposure. Avoid the sun when it is at its strongest (10am – 3pm), wear a hat, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

  2. Use Plant based Organic skincare with not only reduces the toxic load on the liver but provides natural vitamins A, C & E that improve skin integrity - click the VOI button at the top (or bottom) of this page to view products.

  3. A Gut Health consult to ascertain the cause of the problem and then an individualised treatment plan focusing on food and lifestyle advice to eradicate the condition (if not genetic) and prevent its recurrence.

  4. Old wives tale? Potatoes are thought to lighten skin due to the enzyme ‘catecholase’. Peel and slice the potato and apply to skin. Alternatively grate the potato and apply. Leave on 10-15 minutes. Apparently it has to be done quite regularly to have any effect.

  5. Natural mineral powder or foundation can help to reduce the appearance of pigmentation spots or patches. Best to go to a make-up counter to get professional advice as to which colour is best for your skin tone.

  6. While lemon is a natural bleaching agent, on its own it is too harsh for most skins. Mix with honey to reduce any chance of irritation. Apply to skin for 10 minutes then wash off.

  7. Don’t throw out that last bit of yoghurt. Get the thick bits around the sides and top of container and smear over face. A natural form of lactic acid it gently removes dead skin cells. First time, apply for 5 minutes then wash off with warm water. Gradually increase by 5 minutes each time, to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article is for information purposes only, it is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Neither is it intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information provided in this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician/healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your healthcare professional promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article. Information provided in this article and the use of any products or services related to this email by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Voi.


