I Eat Healthy, But Feel Like Sh#t

Do you know how many times I have heard .. “I just don’t understand why I feel like sh#t when I eat SO healthy”.

Put it this way… if I had a dollar every time someone uttered these words to me – I’d be flying first class ALL the time.

Let me give you a sample of what most people think… “I Eat Healthy’” is…

Breakfast: Porridge/Oatmeal (made with water) most days.

Snack: Healthy Muffin or a piece of fruit.

Lunch: Salad with beans, lettuce, tomato, carrot – no dressing, sometimes adding a can of tuna or salmon

Dinner: Steamed fish, broccoli, green beans OR a quick meal of eggs on sourdough with some leafy greens on top.

And they tell me they don’t drink alcohol, rarely have coffee/tea etc.

NOW… that SEEMS fairly healthy, right?

So why would someone be struggling with all sorts of health issues? Because this is an example of a very narrow repertoire of foods eaten – week in and week out.

I hear you saying… “Yeh, so what? It’s still healthy, right?”

Well yeh, it’s healthy compared to eating Pizza and Chips all the time with a chaser of beer or wine ;) but….

It’s Mono Eating and that’s NOT nutritionally sound long term. You see, the body needs a multitude of macro and micro nutrients to function OPTIMALLY.

  • Protein – Amino Acid sub-units – 22 in total – essential and non-essential

  • Fats – Monounsaturated, polyunaturated, saturated, omega 3’s and 6’s, EPA, DHA

  • Carbohydrates – Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Oligosaccharides (Indigestible & Digestible)

  • Fibre – Soluble, insoluble, lignins Vitamins –

  • Fat soluble A, D, E & K. Water soluble B, C.

  • Minerals – Major and Trace (too many to list) Phytonutrients & Antioxidants – Phenols, Flavonols, Anthocyanidins, Quercertin (to name a few)

So when you have the same brekky all the time — even if it’s healthy porridge — and the same lunches, and a small repertoire of dinners… you’re missing out on a range of nutrients not to mention and depriving your GUT MICROBIOME with the variety of fibre it needs to function optimally.

So when you have the same brekky all the time — even if it’s healthy porridge — and the same lunches, and a small repertoire of dinners… you’re missing out on a range of nutrients not to mention and depriving your GUT MICROBIOME with the variety of bre it needs to function optimally. The outcome eating this way — to mono-eating is — deteriorating health (basically feeling like Sh#t) When your body DOESN’T get what it needs to function optimally, it will still function but not effectively and this leads to you feeling fatigued with a host of health issues.

Here’s a simple analogy to help you understand… Think of your body as a car. A car has a few different ways to keep it running efficiently – Fuel, oil and water. You can put high quality octane fuel in your car but if you don’t put enough oil in a car’s engine, or water in the radiator – it will still run, but not run well. And eventually it may even blow up or require a lot of $$$ to get it back in good working order. So don’t wait until your body needs lots of $$$ to get it back in working order, or even worse, until it blows up.

What to do?

Eat a HUGE variety of fresh whole foods – every day AND mix it up.

I hope this helps… And… if you want to know more about how to IMPROVE your health significantly then click HERE to find out more about my Gut Health Programs … OR… if you want to eat your way back to health — one meal at a time — check out my Gut Health Recipe Compendium. Nat xx


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