Do you have cracked heels? Would you like your feet to be soft and smooth? Then read on.

Cracked heels stem from both external (dry hot or cool air, build up of skin, lack of moisture, open back shoes, standing for long periods of time) and internal factors (nutritional deficiencies, poor circulation, eczema/psoriasis, advancing age, being overweight). Slight cracking and dryness is more embarrassing than anything but if these cracks become deeper they can be very painful and may even become infected. Also cracks in the feet allow bacteria to enter the body and cause inflammation in the body.

So how do you get soft, smooth feet? Well its best to tackle the problem both externally and internally.

Externally, start with this…

  • Soak your feet in warm to hot water. You don’t need a footbath; just use the laundry/bathroom sink or a bucket. Add a tablespoon of Epsom salts or 2 tbsp. of Apple cider vinegar to every 2-litres of warm water. Ideally soaking for 15 mins is best, but 30mins is better. TIP: Have a kettle of boiled water next to you so you can keep topping up your water with hot water as it starts to cool. Also get ready with a magazine or book to while away the time or use the time to relax and meditate instead.

  • Exfoliate feet… Using a natural pumice stone, or a man-made Chiropody Sponge (from the chemist) and gently scrub feet every night at the end of your shower (this gives it time for warm water in the shower recess to soften skin) If you have VERY cracked heels you won’t be able to get them smooth on the first go, it will take a few weeks of regular care.

  • Scrub feet… After soaking and removing the hard skin, scrub your feet, rubbing vigorously to stimulate blood flow and smooth skin. You can use olive oil mixed with raw sugar which stimulates circulation.

  • Moisturise feet... Ideally use an Organic crème as non-organic crèmes have chemicals in them that dry skin leading to further cracking. Voi’s ‘The Ultimate Organic Crème’ is rich in healing and soothing oils that help to repair dry and cracked heels while adding a boost of moisture. Pop on a pair of socks and let the moisture soak in!

  • Keep the heat in for your moisturised feet... Follow the steps above then place a plastic bag over each foot then put on socks. The heat works to open pores increasing moisturise absorption thus aiding in skin repair. I have sometimes cleaned the house with my plastic bags and socks on – anything for smooth heels!

  • Movement… is really beneficial as it improves circulation. Getting the blood circulating to the feet is important for healing. And don’t just do the daily 30-min walk, instead get up every 30-mins from your desk and move!!

Internally you need to nourish the skin from the inside out …

  • Cracked heels indicate a deficiency in Omega 3’s. Foods high in Omega 3’s are flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soybeans, tofu, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower (listed in order of most to least).

  • A deficiency in Zinc can result in cracked and dry heels. Zinc is directly involved in cell division, cell growth and wound healing. Foods rich in zinc are grass fed organic lamb and beef, wheatgerm, sesame and pumpkin seeds.

  • Vitamins E is a powerful antioxidant that repairs and protects the skin. It can be found in sunflower seeds, avocado, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, dried herbs such as oregano, basil, and parsley, dried apricots avocado, broccoli and kale.

  • Water, water, water. Dehydration is a major cause of dry skin. You need one litre of water for every 30kg of body weight. Ideally drink one glass of water every hour.

There are also a number of natural remedies for cracked heels. Whilst I haven’t tried any of them yet others have reported that they work!

  • Mash a ripe banana and apply to the cracked area. Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturize.

  • Using the thick part of the (natural) yoghurt on the lid and around the rim of the container apply to the base of the feet, especially the heels. The lactic acid works to dissolve dead skin cells. Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturize.

  • Blend two cups of full cream milk with a cup of honey. Soak feet for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and moisturize.

  • Soak 1-2 cups of oatmeal in a bowl of warm water for 20 mins until the water becomes milky. Soak feet in liquid. Rinse and moisturize.

Do you have any remedies that have worked for you? I’d love to hear from you.


