Your Liver Detoxication; A Science Experiment Gone Wrong?

‘Liver Detoxication’ can go belly up – like a science experiment gone wrong! — If the body doesn’t have the right nutrients.

The liver –the largest internal organ of the body — is a busy little bee – helping with digestion, excretion, the processing and storing of nutrients AND detoxifying harmful toxins.

Day in and day out, it does this important job behind the scenes, unnoticed. So we often pay no attention to this important organ and the job it has to do — until we start feeling sluggish.


I love it because it is SO clever and it does such a huge job all day every day. In fact the detoxication process alone is such a huge job… that it needs to be done in phases. Sort of like the process of cleaning out your shed or garage…

Make it stand out

Phase 1: Is like getting everything out of the shed/garage, sorting through it all, and separating the dangerous toxic goods and ensuring that they are put aside for safe for removal.

Phase 2: Converts the toxic goods into a compound that can easily be disposed off.

Phase 3: Is where these toxic goods are in a form that can be safely discarded.

While we often refer to the Liver Detoxification as just TWO phases (what happens IN the liver)… the third phase is a crucial part as it refers to successful and safe elimination!


Because we don’t really pay attention to our liver and what it REALLY needs so we do crazy things like fasting, taking liver detox powders or overdosing on Turmeric! And thus make it much worse… like a science experiment gone wrong.

For safe detoxification both detoxication phase require the right nutrients to effectively do their job. These nutrients ensure that ‘toxins’ are safely converted so they can be discarded by the bowels and kidneys (wee and poo) SAFELY.

ALL Phases require various Macronutrients (Protein, Essential Fatty acids, Complex Carbohydrates and Fibre) Plus Micronutrients (Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K, Phytonutrients and minerals such as Zinc, Selenium and Molybdenum (to name a few) and WATER!!


Signs that your Liver may be struggling are…

  • Insatiable sugar cravings.

  • Lethargy and tiredness despite adequate rest.

  • Irregular bowel movements. Pale or fatty/oily stool.

  • Skin dryness or irritation.

  • Heightened sensitivity to fragrances and chemicals (i.e. personal care and home cleaning products).

  • Heightened stress and anxiety.

  • Weight gain.

  • Stomach bloating, pain and/or swelling.


“Do I fast?”

Definitely not!

You’re basically asking the liver to detoxify without ANY nutrient support….you’re essentially blowing up the whole science lab!

“Do I juice?”

No, no and NO!

It doesn’t have all the nutrients (listed above) to support the liver. And (on a side note) Juice fasts can disrupt the gut microbiome and cause huge weight gain because you’ve taken away the fibre!


Protein… (Amino Acids) help support Cytochrome P450 enzymes in Phase 1. Cytochrome P-450 helps to metabolize chemicals and internal toxins to a safe substance for excretion. Choose easily digestible proteins such as almonds, pistachios, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, lentils and beans.

Essential fatty acids… from food sources such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, avocado and small amounts of olive oil (as part of cooking or salad dressings).

Phytonutrients… such as Anthocyanidins (in red and purple berries), Beta-carotene (in orange and dark green leafy vegetables), Catechins (black grapes, apricots and strawberries), Carotenoids (in pumpkin, carrots and bell peppers), Flavonoids (in spices, green tea, fresh herbs, dark chocolate)

Selenium… protects tissues from toxins as it binds to them making them less damaging to cells. Best source is Brazil nuts. 2-4 nuts a day will do the job!

Zinc… enhances antioxidant pathways preventing the formation of free oxygen radicals that can damage organs. Great sources are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, capsicum, ginger, whole grains, pecans, paprika, chilli powder, thyme and cinnamon.

Molybdenum… plays a major role in detoxifying compounds such as alcohol, mercury, excess copper, and petrochemicals often found in skin and cosmetic products. Good sources are buckwheat, lima beans, lentils, sunflower seeds, rice and potato.

AND… Fibre… enhances gut barrier function which helps to protect the liver from translocation of proinflammatory bacteria and bacterial products. “With respect to specific target organs, poor gut health is increasingly recognized as an important contributor in regulating the physiology and biochemistry of nutrient management and detoxification; this concept has given rise to terms such as the gut-liver axis”


By consuming Fibre, and a diverse range of fibre, you not only ensure you get various forms of fibre (soluble, non-soluble, prebiotic etc.) but you also get…

  • Macronutrients (Protein, Essential Fatty acids, Complex carbohydrates)

  • Micronutrients (Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K, Phytonutrients and minerals such as Zinc, Selenium and Molybdenum (to name a few).

  • Plus fibrous foods such as garlic, onions and cruciferous vegetables (i.e. Sulphurous foods) boost glutathione production, a critical antioxidant for detoxification.

It’s a one-stop-shop for optimal liver and overall health!

Fibre assists with the flow of bile. Reason being ‘Primary bile acids’ are produced in the liver and ‘Secondary bile acids’ are produce the gut microbiota… “Bile acids aid in the absorption of dietary fat and fat-soluble vitamins as well as serve as signaling molecules”

A diet rich in soluble dietary fibre increases the abundance of a beneficial bacteria called B. acidifaciens, which has been shown to alleviate liver injury.

Although it is thought that the Gut microbiota primarily influence the gastrointestinal system, it in fact regulates liver function… “via absorption and subsequent transfer of microbial components and metabolites through the portal vein to the liver.”

Prebiotic fibres also positively impacts the liver by modifying the gut microbiota, reducing body fat, and improving glucoregulation… reducing the toxic load on the liver!

“Fiber intake has declined over time as has the diversity of our microbiomes, and this decreased diversity is generally associated with poor health outcomes. Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet is likely one way to increase diversity and ameliorate many diseases beyond the gut”

Give the body what it what it needs - FIBRE - and don’t waste your money (or put your health in jeopardy) with juice cleanses, water fasts or crazy detox powders and shakes that do more harm than good!

Supporting the liver is about ADDING IN nutrient dense fibre rich plants and REMOVING processed foods. Here’s a one-day menu that will support the liver and its detoxication process…

  • Breakfast – Buckwheat Nut Granola.

  • Snack – Piece of fruit with a handful of Almonds, Brazil nuts and Sunflower seeds.

  • Lunch – Bitter Greens (Rocket/Arugula/Mizuna) with Avocado, White beans and Red capsicum/Bell pepper with an Olive oil and lemon/lime vinaigrette.

  • Dinner – Super Salad with a rainbow of colours in the bowl topped with raw unsalted pistachios with an Olive oil and lemon/lime vinaigrette.

Eat clean, eat fibre and watch how your health and liver shine!

You wouldn’t pollute your environment so why pollute your body!?! So…

  • Avoid toxins… and minimise your exposure to chemicals in personal and home care products and alcohol that are a burden for your liver!

  • Drink filtered water… to avoid heavy metals and toxic residues in tap water that put a strain on the liver’s detoxification capacity.

  • Get enough sleep… Your body performs ‘Autophagy’ while asleep, essentially doing a BIG clean of the body discarding old or damaged cells.

  • Stress less … As stress impairs liver function, and exacerbates inflammation. You have the power to ‘stress more or less’ so use stress relief strategies such as deep-breathing, barefoot walking and yin yoga. Or just get into nature more!

  • Movement… helps to reduce liver fat accumulation which burdens the liver. Try various movements, some that get your heart moving and others that increase muscle strength. This along with a fibre rich diet will combat inflammation.

Let me know if this helps! Comment below.

And… if you want to know more about how to IMPROVE your health significantly then click HERE to find out more about my Gut Health Programs … OR… if you want to eat your way back to health — one meal at a time — check out my Gut Health Recipe Compendium. Nat xx


(2024). Dietary fiber alleviates alcoholic liver injury via Bacteroides acidifaciens and subsequent ammonia detoxification.

(2021). Gut-liver axis-mediated mechanism of liver cancer: A special focus on the role of gut microbiota.

(2016). Impact of Dietary Fibers on Nutrient Management and Detoxification Organs: Gut, Liver, and Kidneys.

(2013). Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benefits. Nutrients

(2012). The potential role of prebiotic fibre for treatment and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and associated obesity and insulin resistance.

(2011). The potential role of prebiotic fibre for treatment and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and associated obesity and insulin resistance.


What is FIBRE… and why you NEED it
